Service and Repairs
Stevens Products
Stevens brand items in need of service can be sent to the address below. Non-warranty service is charged on a parts and labor basis.
If you want to charge your VISA or Mastercard, you can include the card number and expiration date OR request that we call you for card information. If payment instructions are not provided, items are returned COD. We will call before charging more than 70% of replacement cost.
Feel free to place a dollar limit on repairs, request an estimate, etc. — however you would like it handled. Estimating time is added to repair labor.
Normal turnaround time is one to two business days.
Please note: Stevens products purchased from a distributor should be returned to Stevens, not to the distributor.
Warranty Repairs
All Stevens products carry a basic one-year warranty. Please provide proof of purchase or let us know that it may be under warranty — we can look it up for you unless you purchased from a distributor.
Brands other than Stevens
Please follow the manufacturer's instructions for service. We'll be glad to forward these products to the manufacturer, but you will incur some delay plus additional shipping and handling costs.